The beauty of making these myself is that I can use whatever paper I want, make as many as I want and, best of all, they cost me a big fat NOTHIN’! Woohoo! I won’t go into great detail about how I made them because you can read all about it for yourself in the tutorial but I will say that it is time consuming. I traced and cut and glued with my booty parked in front of the TV, watching some America’s Got Talent. Although, this year I don’t really think America’s got ANY talent, but that’s beside the point.
So today I came home and decided it was time to put up my flowers. So, I gathered my supplies and cranked up the Ke$ha radio on Pandora and got down to business. Here are my supplies…
Ke$ha Radio on Pandora, Michelob Ultra and all my pretty flowers! No, beer is not a requirement but I find that it increases creativity. Ha!
Now, before I put these up I knew I didn’t have quite enough flowers to really fill out my area but I figured it would be a good start. I used some scrapbook paper I had lying around. It’s white with a grey pattern on it but from far away it just looks white. A couple weeks ago I put one of my big flowers up on the wall just to see how it would look. It sat there alone for a while.
I laid all my flowers out on the bed to get an idea of a pattern or shape I might want them to be in, but of course that little design didn’t exactly transfer to the wall. I really just pinned them up the way I thought might look good.
See? Not very many, but it’s still pretty for right now.
I ended up not pushing the thumb tacks all the way in and I like the way they stand up off of the wall a little.
I like the way they look and they perk up our guest room a little bit, since at the moment there is no color scheme or décor direction in there. This weekend may bring a painting project, but the details are still up in the air so STAY TUNED! We’re off to make spaghetti for dinner…yuummmm…. Thanks for stoppin’ by!